Someone not a party to a case who submits a brief and/or presents oral argument in that case.
The reversion to the Roman communion of his old friend Crotus led to his mordant Responsio amici (1532, anon.) to the Apologia (1531) of Crotus.
The members were described as jurati (also burgenses, vicini, amici), although in some communes that term was reserved for the members of the governing body.
Some of the epidemics of this period in Italy and Germany are known by the accounts of eminent physicians, as Vochs, Fracastor, Mercurialis, Borgarucci, Ingrassia, Massaria, Amici, &c., (3) whose writings are important because the question of contagion first began to be raised, and also plague had to be distinguished from typhus fever, which began in this century to appear in Europe.
Brown's views as to the structure of the unimpregnated ovule (with the introduction of the term "sac embryonnaire"); and in that it shows how nearly Brongniart anticipated Amici's subsequent (1846) discovery of the entrance of the pollen-tube into the micropyle, fertilizing the female cell which then develops into the embryo.
Amici in 1854, and was appointed in 1864 to succeed him as director.
This method makes it specially possible to overcome the chromatic and spherical aberrations of higher orders and to fulfil – the sine-condition, and the chief merit of this improvement belongs to Amici.
For this reason Amici constructed objectives of a similar aperture and focus for different thicknesses of glass covers.
C. par Theodore Parrhase (Amsterdam, 1699); and Vita et opera ad annum Mdccxi., amici ejus opusculum, philosophicis Clerici operibus subjiciendum, also attributed to himself.
This method makes it specially possible to overcome the chromatic and spherical aberrations of higher orders and to fulfil - the sine-condition, and the chief merit of this improvement belongs to Amici.
Amici was likewise the first to produce practical and good immersion-systems. The slight difference of the refractive indexes of the glass cover and the immersion-liquid involves a diminution of the aberrations, by which the objective will become less sensitive to the differences in thickness of the glass covers and admits of a more perfect adjustment.
The Tractatus consolatorius pro morte amici and the Liber de eruditione filiorurn regalium (dedicated to Queen Margaret) were printed at Basel in December 1480.
Dawes successfully employed the double circular aperture also with Amici's micrometer.
It is essentially the same in principle as Amici's micrometer, except that the divided lens is an achromatic positive instead of a negative lens.
Amici in 1860 devised such an instrument; an improved form by Jannsen was made up of two flint and three crown prisms, and in Browning's form there are three flint and four crown.