Amazement, astonishment.
To fill with wonder and surprise; to astonish, astound, surprise or perplex.
He was amazed when he found that the girl was a robot.
To undergo amazement; to be astounded.
To stupefy; to knock unconscious.
To bewilder; to stupefy; to bring into a maze.
To terrify, to fill with panic.
I amaze myself with my cleverness.
Sometimes I even amaze myself!
He would amaze a drawing-room by suddenly ejaculating a clause of the Lord's Prayer.
As an actress, model, even a NY Times Bestselling author, and a recently released album singer, Paris Hilton continues to amaze and dazzle.
You can amaze friends and family alike by knowing which urban legends have a basis in fact and which are just hot air.
Costello has released several non-rock albums, performing with orchestras and string quartets; his reinvention never ceases to amaze.
It would be truly huge and provide a backdrop for the game that would amaze.
The graphics in Dead or Alive 4 will amaze you.
Powered by an incredibly powerful 10 Liter supercharged engine, this aircraft can perform spectacular unlimited aerobatics that will amaze the airshow audience.
The fancy dress competition never fails to amaze me - the costumes people come up with are just fab.
The numbers still amaze my doctor considering where I was.
The realism conveyed by these puppies will amaze you.
Now many astrologers seem to have a hankering, a hunger even, for scientific respectability that never fails to amaze me.
Relay Race by David Yehudah, Bellflower, CA, USA These little hairy varmint critters never fail to amaze me.
The ability of English spinners to take wickets with balls that don't turn continues to amaze me.
He never ceases to amaze me and we are eternally thankful for him.
Restoration Hardware's Outdoor Catalog will amaze you with their elegant indoor/outdoor furniture and accessories.
Besides V magazine, she has appeared in Elle Girl, AmaZe magazine and Yo Dona, a Spanish magazine.
In addition to its enormous size, Oasis of the Seas has additional features that will amaze you.
Amaze your friends with vanishing eyeballs, angry genies and a dead man's finger.. .
Laundry; it will amaze you how much dirty laundry such a small person can make in a very short time!
You will totally amaze everyone, but it will only take you minutes!
If you have the budget for a grand trip, a Nile cruise or cruise tour could be something that will amaze you in ways other cruises may not.
The ability of English spinners to take wickets with balls that do n't turn continues to amaze me.