The act of voluntarily giving alms, of making donations to the poor, charity.
As regards almsgiving, however 1 Citra sanguinis effusionem.
It strongly commends meritorious almsgiving to the church.
By a true instinct the early Christian writers called widows and orphans the altar of God on which the sacrifices of almsgiving are offered up. 4 Such works of charity, however, represent only one of the channels by which self-sacrifice is ministered, to which all prayers and thanksgiving and instruction of psalms, prophecy and preaching contribute.
The motive of the story has been variously regarded as a desire to insist upon the duty of tithe-paying, upon that of almsgiving, and upon that of burying the dead.
He was a regular observer of religious rites, took great pains to secure decorum in the services of the church, and was generous in almsgiving both within his empire and without.
But Proverbs seems not to go the length of identifying righteousness with almsgiving, as is done in Dan.
A monk at Montecassino in Italy, he was chosen abbot about the year 830 and was noted for his almsgiving.
Among the laity, on the other hand, the ideal of holiness found realization in the observance of the ordinary principles of morality recognized by the world at large, in attendance upon the means of grace provided by the Church, in fasting at stated intervals, in eschewing various popular employments and amusements, and in almsgiving and prayer.