Any of many organic heterocyclic bases that occur in nature and often have medicinal properties.
Relating to, resembling, or containing alkali.
The alkaloid is obtained from an aqueous extract of tobacco by distillation with slaked lime, the distillate being acidified with oxalic acid, concentrated to a syrup and decomposed by potash.
The free alkaloid is strongly laevo-rotatory.
Opium is obtained from the latex of the opium poppy (Pa paver somniferum), which contains the alkaloid morphine.
It contains considerable quantities of the alkaloid pseudaconitine, which is the most deadly poison known.
The official preparation is an ointment which contains one part of the alkaloid in fifty.
This should be painted on the affected part with a camel's hair brush dipped in chloroform, which facilitates the absorption of the alkaloid.
The species between Caravaya and the headwaters of the Huallaga yield very little of the febrifuge alkaloid.
But the forests of Huanuco and Huamalios abound in species yielding the grey bark of commerce, which is rich in cinchonine, an alkaloid efficacious as a febrifuge, though inferior to quinine.
It is by no means the most powerful poison known, for such an alkaloid as pseud-aconitine, which is lethal in dose of about 1/200 of a grain, is some hundreds of times more toxic, but prussic acid is by far the most rapid poison known, a single inhalation of it producing absolutely instantaneous death.
The British pharmacopoeia contains an alcoholic extract of the bean, intended for internal administration; but the alkaloid is now always employed.
But the influence of the alkaloid upon the spinal cord is very marked and characteristic. The reflex functions of the cord are entirely abolished, and it has been experimentally shown that this is due to a direct influence upon the cells in the anterior cornua.
The alkaloid calabarine is, on the other hand, a stimulant of the motor and reflex functions of the cord, so that only the pure alkaloid physostigmine and not any preparation of Calabar bean itself should be used when it is desired to obtain this action.
There is some doubtful evidence of the value of the alkaloid in chorea.
Tieute, and is generally accompanied by another alkaloid brucine, C23H26N204 41I 2 O, which was isolated by Pelletier and Caventou in 1819.
Caffeine (formerly known as theme) is the alkaloid of tea, and is identical with that of coffee, guarana, mate and kola nut.
It is closely allied to theobromine, the alkaloid of cocoa, and also to uric acid.
The alkaloid curarin causes motor paralysis by attacking in a selective way this junction of motor nerve cell and striped muscular fibre.
The most valuable preparations of this potent drug are the liquor atropinae sulphatis, which is a 1% solution, and the lamella - for insertion within the conjunctival sac - which contains one five-thousandth part of a grain of the alkaloid.
The drug is often replaced in ophthalmology by homatropine - an alkaloid prepared from tropine - which acts similarly to atropine but has the advantage of allowing the ocular changes to pass away in a much shorter time.
This consists in the use of emetics or the stomach-pump, with lime-water, which decomposes the alkaloid.
These measures are, however, usually rendered nugatory by the very rapid absorption of the alkaloid.
Once acquired the habitué depends on the drug for a comfortable existence, and as the organism becomes quickly tolerant of the alkaloid the original dose no longer suffices.
Under the name of anti-opium cure various remedies containing morphine in the form of powder, or of little pills, have been introduced, as well as the subcutaneous injection of the alkaloid, so that the use of morphine is increasing in China to an alarming extent, and considerable difficulty is experienced in controlling the illicit traffic in it, especially that sent through the post.
Moissan, contains only a trifling amount of morphia, and the effect produced by it is apparently due, not to that alkaloid, but to such decomposition products as pyrrol, acetone and pyridine and hydropyridine bases.
Whiffen of London manufactured practically the world's supply of this alkaloid, but it is now made in the United States and Germany, although the largest amount is still probably made in Great Britain.
For the extraction of codeine, the Persian opium is preferred when Turkey opium is dear, as it contains on the average 22% of that alkaloid, whilst Turkey opium yields only 2-4%.
Thebaine, another alkaloid, was discovered by Thiboumery in 1835; whilst, in 1848, Merck isolated papaverine from commercial narcotine.
In infants especially opium acts markedly upon the spinal cord, and, just as strychnine is dangerous when given to young children, so opium, because of the strychnine-like alkaloid it contains, should never be administered, under any circumstances or in any dose, to children under one year of age.
The alkaloid thebaine may here be referred to, as it is not used separately in medicine.
Another method consists in mixing the powdered bark with milk of lime, drying the mass slowly with frequent stirring, exhausting the powder with boiling alcohol, removing the excess of alcohol by distillation, adding sufficient dilute sulphuric acid to dissolve the alkaloid and throw down colouring matter and traces of lime, &c., filtering, and allowing the neutralized liquid to deposit crystals.
It is not soluble in fixed oils or in ether, although the pure alkaloid is soluble in both.
Homoquinine is decomposed on treatment with caustic soda into quinine and a new alkaloid, cupreine, in the proportion of 2 to 3.
It is soluble in its own weight of water, and is the most rapidly and completely absorbed of all the salts of this alkaloid.
The small quantity of quinine it contains is conditioned by the solubility of the alkaloid, which is precipitated when this tincture is diluted with water.
Many bacteria are killed by a 2 solution of the alkaloid.
The alkaloid is a strong base and is very readily oxidized; chromic acid converts it into normal butyric acid and ammonia; hydrogen peroxide gives aminopropylvalerylaldehyde, NH 2 CH(C 3 11 7) (CH2)3 CHO, whilst the benzoyl derivative is oxidized by potassium permanganate to benzoyl-a-aminovaleric acid, C 6 H 5 CO NH CH(C 3 H 7) (CH 2)3 COOH.
The a-propyl piperidine so obtained is the inactive (racemic) form of conine, and it can be resolved into the dextroand laevo-varieties by means of dextro-tartaric acid, the d-conine d-tartrate with caustic soda giving d-conine closely resembling the naturally occurring alkaloid.
This constituent is the alkaloid cornutine, which is the valuable ingredient of the drug.
Pseudopelletierine (methyl granatonine), C9H15N0, an alkaloid of the pomegranate, is a derivative of cyclo-octane, and resembles tropine in that it contains a nitrogen bridge between two carbon atoms. It is an inactive base, and also has ketonic properties.
Henbane yields a poisonous alkaloid, hyoscyamine, which is stated to have properties almost identical with those of atropine, from which it differs in being more soluble in water.
Both contain an alkaloid known as daturine.
We also owe much of our knowledge of the alkaloid piperine to Fittig, who in collaboration with Ira Remsen established its constitution in 1871.
The action of a drug may be called direct when it acts on any part to which it is immediately applied, or which it may reach through the blood; and indirect when one organ is affected secondarily to another, as, for instance, in strychnine poisoning when the muscles are violently contracted as the result of the action of the alkaloid upon the spinal cord.
It's a naturally occurring plant alkaloid, which no one knows how it works - and it is a powerful hallucinogen.
Boldine, the major alkaloid, is responsible for the plant's bile stimulating effect, which has been reported to improve appetite.
The most noteworthy of which being ibogaine, an indole alkaloid derived from an African plant source.
It contains berberine, an alkaloid that may prevent UTIs by inhibiting bacteria from adhering to the wall of the urinary bladder.
The effect of the alkaloid was also tested in an in vivo assay using BALB/c mouse bone marrow cells.
The acid eats out all the fallout and corrosive compounds, the acid is then neutralized with alkaloid soap.
Its biosynthetic precursor, demecolcine, is an alkaloid.