Any plant in the genus Ajuga, especially the ornamental ground cover Ajuga reptans.
Bracts sometimes do not differ from the ordinary leaves, as in Veronica hederifolia, Vinca, Anagallis and Ajuga.
Even the "ground frankincense" or "ground pine" (Ajuga chamaepitys) was known to the Romans as Tus terrae (Pliny), although they called some plant, from its smelling like frankincense, Libanotis, and a kind of Thasian wine, also from its fragrance, Libanios.
Similar changes occur in Plantago major, P. lanceolata, Ajuga reptans, dandelion, daisy, dahlia and in umbelliferous plants.
Bugle (Ajuga) - A small family of dwarf herbs of the Sage order, flowering in spring and early summer, and having purplish flowers.