A passenger-carrying aircraft, especially one of a fleet operated by an airline.
One was the arrival in Baghdad of a hijacked Saudi airliner in October.
The object, which was likened in size to a commercial airliner, slowly rotated above the quiet motorway.
A Russian airliner flew to the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on Sunday, carrying 11 oil experts.
The worlds first jet airliner, the Comet, made its maiden flight in Britain.
The flagship of the British Airways fleet, Concorde was the world's only supersonic passenger airliner.
His regime murdered a policewoman in Central London and blew up an airliner, for Christ's sake.
This meeting was also prior to the bombing of the Cubana airliner on October 6, 1976.
But my personal favorite is the parking brake which is like the engine throttle control on the flight deck of a jet airliner.
The Iraqi leadership reaped a public relations windfall last weekend with its deft handling of the hijack of a Saudi airliner to Baghdad.
The UFO tagged along behind and to the left of the airliner until it was within four miles of touchdown on the runway.
Help the Boeing 717 airliner find its way to the airport with this printable maze.
This text assumes that you are flying an average jet airliner.
The Trident was CAAC's first western built short haul jet airliner.
I found this particularly interesting as we could see an airliner passing over the area of Ipswich where I live.
In 2000 Boeing announced a plan for a supersonic airliner - the Sonic Cruiser.
They stated specifically that they did not want a transatlantic airliner.
Or about how, in 1988, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian civilian airliner, killing 290 people.
An airliner, on final approach into Heathrow, is tracked by surface-to-air missiles.