(predicative) That is on foot, in motion, in action, in progress.
On foot. (means of locomotion, walking)
On foot. (support of the body, standing)
In motion; in action; astir; stirring; in progress.
In a quiet country backwater, something evil is afoot.
There's some big plan afoot involving some sort of germ warfare.
If the banners and flags are shifted about, sedition is afoot.
If I didn't bring a horse or something, I'd be afoot from then on.
There is now a movement afoot to exchange the title for succeeding monarchs to that of Defender of Faiths.
I have learned that the swiftest traveller is he that goes afoot.
Significantly more or less may be a signal that there is trouble afoot.
The ghosts and goblins are afoot and they all want… an All Hallows' Eve party!
Though danger is afoot, Rowling never fails to deliver to the reader a sense of humor and hope for the future.
They deemed that now, with organized rebellion afoot in the Turkish Balkans, was the opportunity to recover Macedonia and Thrace for division among themselves.
A movement was now set afoot in favour of a confederation of the three republics of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela on the basis of the original conditions existing after the expulsion of Spanish authority, and a resolution was passed by the chamber of deputies to that effect.
Plans are afoot for the development of a rival film studio to be constructed in an old military ba... Walliams Swims!
Much has been afoot with pop combo Being 747.
In the 20s, plans were afoot to switch from an earthenware pot to a glass version with a metal lid.
The humans of Earth greatly resent the robots who take over their jobs, and there is a move afoot to legislate them off the planet altogether.
It would be nice to know she could leave the ranch at will without leaving Cade afoot, but she doubted if she would be driving to town soon.
Finally the parties still in the trenches slipped away, and when dawn broke the Turks, who had first ascertained that something unusual was afoot from the explosion of a vast mine in the Anzac area, and from conflagrations on the beaches where the few stores to be abandoned were being destroyed, discovered that the invaders were gone.
And also among the Englishmen there were certain rascals that went afoot with great knives, and they went in among the men of arms, and slew and murdered many as they lay on the ground, both earls, barons, knights and squires, whereof the king of England was after displeased, for he had rather they had been taken prisoners."
If from habit and tradition he respects a stranger within his threshold, he yet considers it legitimate to warn a neighbour of the prey that is afoot, or even to overtake and plunder his guest after he has quitted his roof.
It was then that he set afoot his numerous schemes for the restoration of the learning and culture of England which had sunk so low during the long years of disaster which had preceded his accession.
There is a more pointedly specific movement afoot, however, the movement for " civic journalism.
He knew some treachery was afoot, but could not imagine what it was.
The word was passed along and soon we were all afoot and straggling out into the moonlit courtyard.
There 's some big plan afoot involving some sort of germ warfare.
Love 'em, hate 'em -whatever, but their story is a case in point of the changes afoot in the music industry, and how the internet has leveled the playing field.
As one result of the strike of 1890 a movement was set afoot by a number of enthusiasts, more visionary than practical, that has resulted in a measure of more or less disaster.