(genealogy) A relative by marriage, an in-law.
To refine.
Assigning finite values to finite quantities.
Of or pertaining to a function expressible as f(\vec x)= A \vec x + \vec b (where A is a linear transformation and \vec b is a constant), which, regarded as a transformation, maps parallel lines to parallel lines and finite points to finite points.
Of two materials, having mutual affinity.
In Cryst, a Wyckoff position W is specified by such a representative affine subspace.
Based on these centroids, the relationship between two different local spectra is characterized by an affine transformation.
P. vacciniifolium, 6 to to in., is a pretty prostrate subshrubby species, with handsome rose-pink flowers, suitable for rockwork, and prefers boggy soil; P. affine (Brunonis), I ft., deep rose, is a showy border plant, flowering in the late summer; P. cuspidatum, 8 to To ft., is a grand object for planting where a screen is desired, as it suckers abundantly, and its tall spotted stems and handsome cordate leaves have quite a noble appearance.
Note the equivalence of orthogonal arrays with affine resolvable designs.