An elected official who was responsible for the maintenance of public buildings, regulation of festivals, supervision of markets and the supply of grain and water.
After having served with the army in Thrace and been quaestor in Crete and Cyrene, Vespasian rose to be aedile and praetor, having meanwhile married Flavia Domitilla, the daughter of a Roman knight, by whom he had two sons, Titus and Domitian, afterwards emperors.
During the reign of Commodus, Dio practised as an advocate at the Roman bar, and held the offices of aedile and quaestor.
The political career of Varro seems to have been late and slow; but he arrived at the praetorship, after having been tribune of the people, quaestor and curule aedile.
To the highest offices, including all persons of consular and praetorian rank, belonged the right of taking auspicia maxima; to the inferior offices of aedile and quaestor, the auspicia minora; the differences between these, however, must have been small.
In 199 he was quaestor, and the next year, passing over the regular stages of aedile and praetor, he obtained the consulship.
Having served in the army in Spain and Sardinia, he became curule aedile, praetor and (after an unsuccessful attempt in 117) consul in 115.
As curule aedile in 58, Scaurus celebrated the public games on a scale of magnificence never seen before.
Fourteen years later, when curule aedile, he distributed large quantities of grain among the citizens at a very low price.
This Bestia is probably not the Lucius Calpurnius Bestia, aedile, and a candidate for the praetorship in 57.
In 63 B.C. he was curule aedile, assisted Cicero in the suppression of the Catilinarian conspiracy, and distinguished himself by the splendour of the games he provided.
In 33 he was chosen aedile and signalized his tenure of office by effecting great improvements in the city of Rome, restoring and building aqueducts, enlarging and cleansing the sewers, and constructing baths and porticos, and laying out gardens.
Already in 68 B.C. he had paraded the bust of Marius at his aunt's funeral; in 65 B.C., as curule aedile, he restored the trophies of Marius to their place on the Capitol; in 64 B.C., as president of the murder commission, he brought three of Sulla's executioners to trial, and in 63 B.C. he caused the ancient procedure of trial by popular assembly to be revived against the murderer of Saturninus.
Pomponius Atticus, was born about 102 B.C. He was aedile in 67, praetor in 62, and for the three following years propraetor in Asia, where, though he seems to have abstained from personal aggrandizement, his profligacy and ill-temper gained him an evil notoriety.
With their help he set himself to win the confidence of a public still inclined to distrust the author of the proscriptions of 43 B.C. Brigandage was suppressed in Italy, and the safety of the Italian frontiers secured against the raids of Alpine tribes on the northwest and of Illyrians on the east, while Rome was purified and beautified, largely with the help of Agrippa (aedile in 33 B.C.).
In 80 he returned to Rome as curule aedile, in which capacity he exhibited games of exceptional magnificence.
In 79 he was curule aedile with his brother, in 77 praetor, in 73 consul with Gaius Cassius Varus.
After the war Laelius advanced from plebeian aedile (197) to praetor in Sicily (196) to consul (190 ).