An advertisement, an ad.
It is necessary here to advert to a subject much debated during recent years, viz.
These pictures would be placed on the front, with an advert for Peck and Snyder sportswear products printed on the back.
Did he buy them from an American newspaper advert?
Elastica were born in 1993 when Frischmann brought in guitarist Donna Matthews, Justine Welch on drums, and Annie Holland on bass, who replied to an advert in the press.
You can place your classified property advert for free.
An advert in 'The Stage' magazine looking for young female singers attracted the attention of five hopefuls in 1993.
He even takes the mickey out of own spending habits in a new advert for the Post Office.
This article was sent to the SUR in English in June 2003 who then withdrew this advert from future editions.
To complete the entry, you have to click on a banner advert.
No takers on E-bay and too much aggro and time to put an advert in PF.
Last year, the lucky blighter married the minx from the Doritos advert?
I never let my friends down, I never made a boob, I'm a glossy magazine, an advert in the tube.
Dunning asks the conductress about the advert, but it has disappeared before she sees it.
There's an advert on TV in which a child is posed the conundrum, ' Do you love Daddy more, or chips?
This is about the best advert ever for not interbreeding.
Girls Ad romper £ 16.00 A funky girls lilac cotton summer romper with advert design.
The response we've had to our advert has been quite staggering.
The recent advert for an ambulance technician or paramedic has drawn some local applicants who were to be interviewed.
An advert was placed in the OJEC in early March inviting tenders with a closing date of 23rd April 2004.
On the reverse of this is a color advert for Imperial Leather toilet soap with neon tetra fish.
Lots had to be drawn for the pioneer, and so the first TV advert in the UK was for Gibbs sr toothpaste.
Tesco rapped over ' local ' advert Supermarket Tesco is criticized by a watchdog over a misleading advert about ' local ' produce.
Please email the Webmaster with details of your advert.
Only removal of the whole glass window could remove the advert.
Girls Ad Romper £ 16.00 A funky girls lilac cotton summer romper with advert design.
The response we 've had to our advert has been quite staggering.
Yellow tram 2542 is an advert for Amey Construction, who built the tramway.
Please email the webmaster with details of your advert.
A two-page advert appeared in the London Evening Standard and three different posters went up on huge hoardings at strategic points around the capital.
Last year's most offensive TV advert was for Mr Kipling mince pies, which showed a woman giving birth during a nativity play.
The spoof advert was actually directed by Marcus Nispel who also did The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake.
Guys, do n't be scared of the tampon advert.
Lots had to be drawn for the pioneer, and so the first TV advert in the UK was for Gibbs SR toothpaste.
It is here proper to advert to a remarkable extension of direct popular government which has in recent years been applied both to states and to cities.
The gathered illhumour of many years, aggravated by the confident assurance of the Hegelians, found vent at length in the introduction to his next book, where Hegel's works are described as three-quarters utter absurdity and one-quarter mere paradox - a specimen of the language in which during his subsequent career he used to advert to his three predecessors Fichte, Schelling, but above all Hegel.