Able to be addressed.
Each of the facades of the three tower blocks has custom individually addressable surface mounted single color LED beacons mounted vertically on the facades.
Mapping makes the object's contents directly addressable by a process.
A fully addressable emergency test system is incorporated into the lighting controls, enabling every emergency luminaire to be monitored.
Her team recently announced it had created the highest density electronically addressable memory reported to date, a 64-bit memory using molecules as switches.
Allows you to fine-tune your call-to-action with multiple lines of text or images each with independently addressable hyperlinks.
Each module is separately addressable and offers a highly stable output allowing smooth dimming if inductive loads.
Also included are fixing points to allow simple fitment of PCBs for addressable systems.
The business problems and opportunities addressable by this class of solutions can be characterized by the following.
The memory provides a plurality of addressable virtual communication links.