In an aching manner; sorely.
The memory was achingly beautiful, and he remembered seeing his war-weary father approach from the house.
Dana Feder's achingly beautiful cello counterpoint the vocals and piano, with subtle church organ riffing completing the mystical effect.
Achingly sad, it drops down in the middle section to reveal some beautifully crooned pure soul singing from Jill.
Sadly, it's a little disorganized, difficult to navigate and achingly slow.
This is a disk of achingly lovely music at its most mesmeric - prepare to be stunned.
She gasped at the intensity that turned her lower belly into a furnace and swept through her, making her achingly aware of his scent, the heat and smoothness of his skin, the size of his body and the hot mouth pressed against her neck.
Such Longing is danced to the achingly beautiful meditations of Chopin's Nocturnes and Etudes, which are played live.