One who accuses; one who brings a charge of crime or fault.
The accused himself would be hot to eliminate his accuser.
Mowbray denied it, ment of and challenged his accuser to a judicial duel.
Although their accuser eventually retracted his statements, the damage was done.
A repentant Athelstan did " seven years ' penance, he inflicted severe vengeance on the accuser of his brother.
Once Madame Roland appeared personally in the Assembly to repel the falsehoods of an accuser, and her ease and dignity evoked enthusiasm and compelled acquittal.
A repentant Athelstan did seven years ' penance, he inflicted severe vengeance on the accuser of his brother.
To charges from such a source, and brought in such a manner, Hastings disdained to reply, and referred his accuser to the supreme court.
He is portrayed as the archadversary and accuser of man.
Here were the altar of Athena Areia and two stones, the Mhos "Tf3pewws, on which the accuser, and the XLOo 'AvatSetas, on which the accused, took their stand.
His dilatoriness during the second embassy (346) sent to ratify the terms of peace led to his accusation by Demosthenes and Timarchus on a charge of high treason, but he was acquitted as the result of a powerful speech, in which he showed that his accuser Timarchus had, by his immoral conduct, forfeited the right to speak before the people.
In 61 B.C. he was the chief accuser of P. Clodius in the affair of the festival of Bona Dea.
In the canonical Old Testament angels may inflict suffering as ministers of God, and Satan may act as accuser or tempter; but they appear as subordinate to God, fulfilling His will; and not as morally evil.
The accuser, who was condemned to death in the reign of Vespasian for his conduct on this occasion, is a standing example of ingratitude and treachery.
On the 24th of May 1430, Joan of Arc having been taken prisoner at Compiegne, within the limits of his diocese, Cauchon acted as her accuser, and demanded the right of judging her.
Penalties were also inflicted if an accuser failed to carry the prosecution through or to obtain a fifth part of the votes.
It is the chief of the dogmatic or polemical works, and rules the accuser out of court at the very opening of the case.
On the 28th of March the privy council, in which Bothwell himself sat, appointed the 12th of April as the day of his trial, Lennox, instead of the crown, being named as the accuser, and cited by royal letters to appear at "the humble request and petition of the said Earl Bothwell," who, on the day of the trial, had 4000 armed men behind him in the streets, while the castle was also at his command.
But, as no particle of evidence on his side was advanced, the protest of his representative was rejected, and Bothwell, acquitted in default of witnesses against him, was free to challenge any persistent accuser to the ancient ordeal of battle.
In 403 he came forward as the accuser of Eratosthenes, one of the Thirty Tyrants.
In 386 Siricius had protested against the attitude of Bishop Ithacius, the accuser of Priscillian, and this protest he resolutely maintained, although he disapproved of the doctrines taught by the Spanish doctor.
Sometimes the accuser was rewarded with the rights of citizenship, a place in the senate, or a share of the property of the accused.
The chief motive for these accusations was no doubt the desire of amassing wealth,' since by the law of majestas one-fourth of the goods of the accused, even if he committed suicide in order to avoid confiscation (which was always carried out in the case of those condemned to capital punishment), was assured to the accuser (who was hence called quadruplator).
Soon after, Catiline, having bribed both judges and accuser, was acquitted in the trial for extortion.
The 13th-century jury was a rough and primitive institution, which acted at once as accuser, witness and judgebut it was at any rate preferable to the chances of the red-hot iron, or the club of the duellist.
As accuser affecting man's standing before God he is greatly feared.
Hitherto he had only been a vigorous opposition speaker, a trenchant critic and accuser of state officials.
A delator of infamous character, one Peter, had accused the authorities of the city to the tsar of conspiracy; Ivan, without even confronting the Novgorodians with their accuser, proceeded at the end of 1569 to punish them.
And the Woggle-Bug shall be the Public Accuser, because he is so learned that no one can deceive him.
Having been recalled to Rome by Galba in 68, he at once impeached Eprius Marcellus, the accuser of Thrasea Paetus, but dropped the charge, as the condemnation of Marcellus would have involved a number of senators.