A being such as a monotheistic God: a single divine creator and ruler of the universe.
The single deity of various monotheistic religions, especially the deity of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Dawn believes in God, but Willow believes in multiple gods and goddesses.
The single male deity of various bitheistic or duotheistic religions.
A deity or supreme being; a supernatural, typically immortal, being with superior powers, to which personhood is attributed.
The most frequently used name for the Islamic god is Allah.
An idol.
Leo Messi is my god!
A person in a high position of authority, importance or influence.
A powerful ruler or tyrant.
An exceedingly handsome man.
Lounging on the beach were several Greek gods.
The person who owns and runs a multi-user dungeon.
To idolize.
To deify.
Was God punishing Destiny because they had been greedy?
If God thought it was wrong, nothing we could have done would have been successful.
God, I'm glad you called.
I have faith only in God and the lofty destiny of our adored monarch.
As a child I loved to sit on his knee and clasp his great hand with one of mine, while Miss Sullivan spelled into the other his beautiful words about God and the spiritual world.
God, you look good to me.
Go your way and God be with you.
The aunt spoke to each of them in the same words, about their health and her own, and the health of Her Majesty, "who, thank God, was better today."
I was, for a reason known to God alone, much more calm than the situation dictated.
I hope to God it never comes to that.
God, I'm sorry, breaking down like that.
You toil not, neither do you spin, yet God takes care of you and your little ones.
God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages.
I don't know what the odds are, but I figure god is responsible for both - don't you think?
Thank god they didn't see my license plate number.
It is wisdom that King Solomon asked God for, not intelligence.
God has truly blessed us.
God, I hate it when he whines...
God is punishing my daughter for what you did.
God, look at you!
Would god take Destiny from them - a trade for the twins?
Hands clasped, she prayed fervently, asking God not to let Destiny suffer for what they had done.
God, when he goes it will kill Molly.
One God is above us both....
Parkside would remain untainted and a favored place to live and raise healthy, God fearing children who would become model citizens like those to whom he spoke.
God, now I've gone and busted the Governor.
God, you guys shook me up!
Mom said God made me special.
God, I can't even describe Howie... from mentioning it.
If God wants us to have children, it will happen.
He bumped into this guy who said he had a friend who couldn't make the tour and the Greek god could take the friend's place.
She felt the sudden urge to run again, as far as she could from her past, Talia's death, the bleak future of the White God and his Guardians.
Your fate is with the White God, Jenn.
With four days at most remaining in her ability to control the Black God, she suspected she'd be dead in five.
He'd expected the Grey God's powers to be like the White God's, yet they weren't.
Although he couldn't do everything he'd been able to do as a White God, he'd gained other abilities.
She'd killed one White God and been killed by another.
You will become the man who slaughters the Grey God.
Now, tell me what's going on or so help me God I'll dump your ass right here in the middle of the square!
God, to think I only charged her half-price on her death certificate business just because she was your friend!
God, here I am running around the country and he's out there swimming with the fishes.
God, I thought I was so damn smart, changing names, changing vehicles and some old guy and a small town detective find me like I've got a sign around my neck.
You were trying to protect me too— God, why do men think we can't handle anything!
If god meant for them to have children, they would – no matter what the doctor said.
Yet Carmen insisted that any artificial method of conception was sinful – playing God.
Hers was the kind of beauty that made a man notice her in a crowd full of beauties, or a god spot her from others gathered in his orchard for a celebration of his twenty-seventh birthday.
Only the sons of a White God had eyes the color of amber!
The people around her—the White God she was sworn to serve as a Guardian—needed her.
Darian had followed her around like a lost puppy before she was assigned to the Black God.
Once a god then a slave, he was just starting to figure out who he was now.